Dedicate more time to the students
Take attendance on a daily basis or per term
Manage Exams per term
Send Homework to group of students and receive documents from students
Manage your papers and assessments, share them with your colleagues and enter your marks
Configure predefined comments for report books
School Admin
Invest in an all-in-one package
Create unlimited number of
Grades & Classes
Subjects & Subject Options
Notices & Events
View your dashboard to have an overview of your school activities​
Manage admissions and registration lists
Manage staff access rights to the system
Take Attendance and Send absence notifications to parents anytime
Add & Manage your rules, regulations and school policies for parents
Manage School Website content and News
Generate Time Tables
Set up direct debits and automatic reconciliation of accounts
Stop worrying about your child
Scroll your timeline & monitor notifications
Access academic and behavior reports
Follow-up and reply on reports
View school notices and events
Track your child's development
Enjoy your classes online and don't ever miss one homework
Scroll your timeline & monitor notifications
Access Homework and send documents to teachers
View and access your online classes through Microsoft Teams seamless integration
Access report books
View school notices and events
Online school rules & regulations accessible anytime