We are glad to announce the release of our new Assessments & Papers module, which allows you to now configure your assessments and papers in your created exams and KIDStory will do all the calculations for you.

If KIDStory is installed in your school, over and above entering your final exam marks, you can now go to your exams and click on the “Configure assessments & papers” button. Here you can configure your papers/assessment by telling KIDStory the percentage or weightage of your papers & assessments for the term, click on save and just enter the marks for each assessment or paper.
Based on your formulae, KIDStory will calculate the final marks for the term for you and relieve you from the hassle of calculating your final marks.
Over and above this, you can also share this formulae to other educators, teaching the same subject for the same grade or class and they will be able to use this for their student, without creating the configuration themselves.
This feature allows you to save time, reduce marks calculation errors and plan your assessments and papers ahead. Go ahead, try our new feature and let us know what you think about it.
Should you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact our team on support@kidstory.mu
Stay tuned for new updates.
KIDStory team