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KIDStory Team

KIDStory makes family and parent management easy as ABC

This week we wanted to share with you some tips and tricks on how KIDStory allows you to easily manage your students’ families and parent’s data.

KIDStory makes family and parent management easy

In a nutshell, KIDStory allows you to add as much parents and relatives as you want to 1 student. All you have to do is to navigate to the student, from the left menu, click on “Students” à “Enrolled” and search for the student. Click on the student then on “Authorised parties”. In the “Authorised persons” box, you can either search for an existing parent (in the case the parent has already been created for a previous sibling) or add a new one. In the same page, you also have the “Parent portal access” which enables you to give access or disable access to a parent on the parent portal. Make sure to check this section if you want to give access to a parent on the parent portal.

When you add a new parent, you can type in his personal details as well as his contact details. For a parent to have access to the parent portal, it is essential that you check those 3 things:

  1. Did you enter a valid email address for him?

  2. On the parent’s detailed page, is he a “responsible party”? If parent is not checked as being a responsible party, he will not have access to the parent portal

  3. Did you “enabled access to this family to the parent portal on the “Authorised parties”? (As stated above”

As soon as you’ve done those 3 actions, an email will be sent to the parent by the system, guiding him on how to login on the Parent portal of your school and giving him access to his child or children data.

From the parent’s page you can also click on the “Logs” button to see the number of times the parent has been logging to the system to view his child’s information.

Yes, it’s easy as this! We hope you enjoyed this new tip or refresher and stay tuned for other hot tips that will help you enjoy using KIDStory on your day to day.

Should you have additional questions or recommendations, do not hesitate to contact our team on or submit your suggestions to our Idea box.

KIDStory Team

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